Dermatitis can be avoided
Honey, paw paw and vitamin B5 are the key ingredients we use in our shea and cocoa butter based face mask and the results have been extraordinary. Initially this product was born to help dry skin sufferers and ageing skin and now we’re finding everything from cracked skin, itchy skin and even dermatitis not only the face but also on fingers and patches on the body can be relieved with this combination of healing ingredients. We’ve even had some of our customers report that they’ve left the mask on all night to find their skin is ‘as soft as baby skin’. Itchy skin and cracked skin is often hard to treat as these symptoms can be a result from various health related conditions and where we normally seek to find the cause of these various skin ailments we’ve just reached straight for the jar of Honey Healing Mask. We’ve found that often no matter what the reason is for dry skin or even dermatitis this mask seems to relieve these aggravating conditions. We can’t promise that it will always work on every troubled skin however it’s well worth experimenting.